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* Classic Iron Fence * ( 4 FT HIGH )

This is our best selling fence. Decorative iron fence used as iron balcony fencing, iron deck railing, iron pool fences,iron lawn and garden fence, on stone and brick walls, steel and wrought iron gates indoors/outdoors. [Product Details...]

* Classic Iron Fence * ( 5 FT HIGH )

This is our best selling fence. Decorative iron fence used as iron balcony fencing, iron deck railing, iron pool fences,iron lawn and garden fence, on stone and brick walls, steel and wrought iron gates indoors/outdoors. [Product Details...]

Classic Porch Deck Railing

Here is a unique and exceptional iron porch deck railing / fence that will set your house apart from all others! This iron fencing comes in 6'9 lengths with steel hand rail. Installed height is 42 inches. This iron fence/railing is available in black [Product Details...]

Patio Chair

This pretty chair makes a quaint decoration for the garden and a great accent for porch or sunroom. Accessorize it with a cushion for added flair. Matches beautifully with similar table for a very cozy effect. Height is 30 inches. [Product Details...]

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Classic Porch Deck Railing


Here is a unique and exceptional iron porch deck railing / fence that will set your house apart from all others! This iron fencing comes in 6'9 lengths with steel hand rail. Installed height is 42 inches. This iron fence/railing is available in black

* Classic Iron Fence * ( 4 FT HIGH )


This is our best selling fence. Decorative iron fence used as iron balcony fencing, iron deck railing, iron pool fences,iron lawn and garden fence, on stone and brick walls, steel and wrought iron gates indoors/outdoors.

* Classic Iron Fence * ( 5 FT HIGH )


This is our best selling fence. Decorative iron fence used as iron balcony fencing, iron deck railing, iron pool fences,iron lawn and garden fence, on stone and brick walls, steel and wrought iron gates indoors/outdoors.

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